Dianna Cohen is the CEO & co-founder of Crown Affair, a first-of-its-kind haircare brand that empowers people to redefine their relationship with their hair through accessible luxury, ritual, and community. They have raised over $6M in Seed and Series A funding from top-tier investors including True Beauty Ventures, Greycroft, Gwyneth Paltrow, Heidi Zak, and Jaclyn Johnson and can be found in retailers like Sephora, Goop, Violet Grey and Moda Operandi. Prior to founding Crown Affair, Dianna worked with leading consumer brands like Harry's, Outdoor Voices, The Wing, and Buck Mason as a marketer & brand strategist. Before that she was Head of Partnerships at Away and worked in editorial at Into the Gloss.

Find Crown Affair on their website here

Follow Dianna on TikTok here

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