Closer to Christmas

Closer to Christmas


Think of this podcast as an advent calendar style show. Each episode will get us closer to Christmas as you listen to a Christmas related theme. An episode can be a piece of Christmas trivia, a review of a Christmas item, a song, and interview, etc. The possibilities are endless, BUT you can be assured it will ALWAYS be Christmas related.

Think of this podcast as an advent calendar style show. Each episode will get us closer to Christmas as you listen to a Christmas related theme. An episode can be a piece of Christmas trivia, a review of a Christmas item, a song, and interview, etc. The possibilities are endless, BUT you can be assured it will ALWAYS be Christmas related.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Charles Ague. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Charles Ague och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.