Welcome to the sixth episode of the COP27 Mini Series for Hali Hewa Podcast with your host Abigael Kima.

Throughout COP27, we will be doing a mini-series interviewing people from across the globe on issues that matter to them as the negotiations progress.

Shorouq Abu- Razzouq is a Civil Engineer, Climate Advocate, One Young World Ambassador and a Project Team Leader at Mercy Corps. She is also part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance.

In this episode, she shares her experience being at COP for the first time and what she expects out of this COP. She also speaks about her work with The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance in Jordan where floods have become quite rampant and the work that she is doing within the community to build resilience in the wake of frequent climate disasters.

She signs off by telling us 2 things that would make this COP a successful COP.

Enjoy the show!

Find out more about the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance.


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