I just had to hop on and say hello and give a few updates. I also included a tiny inspirational message (because who would I be if I didn't squeeze in a dash of a word?! 😂 ). I love you so dearly and I'll tty soon enough.

How to determine if you need rest:

🌱 You're extremely tired all the time, lacking the energy to carry on

🌱 You're irritated, aggravated, and/or stressed out way too often

🌱 Your prayer life is lifeless

🌱 You feel disconnected from God

🌱 You've fallen back into your old ways and bad habits

🌱 You're feeling depressed and anxious

These are just to name a few, but feel free to expand this list and see where you fit! Rest may be what you've been needing for a while and you didn't know it.


music by Ikson | Song: Reflect | https://www.iksonmusic.com

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