Factz Ova Feelinz

Spider Loc and Big Court on Master P, Tech-9, Snoopy Bad Azz, his fitness journey and his recent interview with Mob James (EP8)


In this Episode 8 of Factz Ova Feelinz podcast with Spider Loc, he has Kansas City native Big Court from the Holding Court podcast. In this episode their discussion covers: 


-Moving to Los Angeles from Kansas CIty, Missouri, growing up on the Four Block, and starting off as a rapper and connecting with Master P and getting signed to No Limit   

-   Tech-9 from Kansas City, Strange Music, and X-Raided from Sacramento signing with Strange 9. Rich the Factor is also from the city and he worked with JT the Bigger Figure.

-Big Court's fitness journey and him starting his exercise journey at age 30. What does he eat, and how often does he work out.  

- The fight among Houston rapper, Zero, and TRae the Truth, and J-Prince getting involved.

-Snoop Dogg, 

-Snoopy Bad Azz received a Death Row chain, but did he testify in a case (People. v. Doster)?

-Clifford "TI" Harris snitchuation when he received only 1-year in prison with 20 years of guns and silencers found in his car. 

-Spider Loc asks Big Court about his recent Mob James interview and how far did he go on the topic of snitching and working for the FBI.   

Spider Loc Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bangerzs23

Spider Loc Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/spiderlocmosteasty7

Factz Ova Feelinz video clips on Street TV: http://www.youtube.com/streetgangs

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