Episode #4, Straight Politicking with Alex Alonso, Munchie B. and Spider Loc discuss the following:

00:00:00 - Straight Politicking Episode Four

00:01:00 - Father's day was last week

00:03:57 - Snoopy BadAzz is back to his normal lying

00:05:56 - Snoopy BadAzz lost 7 out of 7 fights in Compton from 2016 - 2018

00:08:30 - Can Donald Trump pardon his self of recent Stormy Daniels conviction?

00:12:35 - Bishop Lamar Whitehead sentenced to 9 years in prison

00:14:40 - In 2022 Bishop Lamar Whitehead was robbed during live stream in church

00:17:45 - Bishop responds to D.L. Hughley

00:23:28 - 2022 clip of Alex Alonso & F.G. speak on Lamar Whitehead on Streets & Scholars

00:27:10 - News clip of Lamar Whitehead going to prison for fraud

00:29:28 - Did Bricc Baby twerk on camera?

00:41:39 - Boskoe100 clowns Bricc Baby for twerking

00:48:37 - Bricc Baby and DW Flame relationship on No Jumper

00:55:38 - Lefty Gun Play does not want daughter with black man

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Spider Loc: https://www.instagra.com/spiderlocmosteasty7

Munchie B: https://www.instagra.com/mb_themayor

Alex Alonso: https://www.instagram.com/alexalonso101

Street TV: https://www.instagram.com/street.teevee

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