Today's guest is Laura Khatib, an ocean advocate, communicator and educator from Lebanon. Laura and I discuss the state of marine science and education in her home country, Lebanon, and more concretely in Byblos, where she currently lives.

As one of the oldest consistently inhabited places on Earth, Byblos is characterized by unique and astonishing marine archeology. Laura tells us about her work as co-founder of the NGO Guardians of the Blue, where she teaches local communities about their heritage in the Lebanese ocean. They also use citizen science methods such as ordinary photography from dives to identify and map Lebanon's marine biodiversity, and even recently discovered a new species in the Mediterranean Sea for the first time.

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Cover art: Simon + Anna Madlener. Based on the Spilhaus world projection.

Music and Sound Effects: Lukas Bindel

Mixing: Anna Madlener

#Lebanon #Byblos #oceanliteracy #unoceandecade #ECOP #BBNJ #UnitedNations #BBNJtreaty #HighSeasTreaty #biodiversity #environmentalDNA #ocean #climateaction #climatecrisis #unoceandecade #bluecarbon #technology #sciencecommunication #marineconservation #podcast #science #climatescience #technology

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