A Business Model Canvas is an analysis technique in the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide) and is a technique taught in business schools.  Susan and Scott talk with Connor Estabrooks, who is a recent MBA graduate, to discuss how the Business Model Canvas is used to analyze a business, or part of a business.


The discussion is framed around the nine parts of the Business Model Canvas:

- Customer Relationships

- Customer Segments

- Key Partnerships

- Key Activities

- Key Resources

- Value Proposition

- Channels

- Cost Structure

- Revenue Streams



Business Model Canvas (IIBA Members Only) https://www.iiba.org/knowledgehub/business-analysis-body-of-knowledge-babok-guide/10-techniques/10-8-business-model-canvas/

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Business Analysis Live is hosted by:

- Susan Moore, Community Engagement Manager at IIBA

- Scott Bennett, Manager, Business Analysis at IIBA

The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) is a non-profit professional association serving the field of business analysis.  As the global thought leader and voice of the business analysis community, IIBA actively supports the recognition of the profession, and works to maintain global standards for the ongoing development of the practice and certifications.  

#businessanalysis #businessmodel #businessmodelcanvas

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