Hoof Love Not War: Conversations with Daisy

Hoof Love Not War: Conversations with Daisy


This is the podcast of Daisy Haven Farm, led by farrier and whole horse rehabilitation expert Daisy Bicking. Join Daisy as she explores all things "hoof rehab", from current cases, to welfare concerns, to challenges and situations from daily work as a farrier, she'll entertain you with the joy and heartbreak of the horses she cares for every day.

This is the podcast of Daisy Haven Farm, led by farrier and whole horse rehabilitation expert Daisy Bicking. Join Daisy as she explores all things "hoof rehab", from current cases, to welfare concerns, to challenges and situations from daily work as a farrier, she'll entertain you with the joy and heartbreak of the horses she cares for every day.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Daisy Bicking. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Daisy Bicking och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.