Welcome to The Malibu Medium podcast! In today's show I discuss the importance of embodying the frequency of your desires to manifest. If I know anything to be true, it is that desire is the foundation of manifesting and holding the energy of your desires is essential for attracting them into your life.

I share my personal journey of aligning my frequency with my desire to launch the Akashic Academy, despite facing resistance and fear. You may relate, the things you want the most, scare you the most. Not embodying the frequency of your desires is the most common block to manifesting and that is why it is so important to do the inner work so your vibration matches what your calling into your life. Here I share how I use my unique Akashic Record method, to identify the root cause of my resistance and heal it. This is how you become a super attractor.

However the reason your out of alignment with your desires is very unique to your souls journey. That is why it is key to access your souls records to identify and heal exactly what that is.

THe amazing thing is when you heal limitations in one area of life, it opens up new pathways and opportunities in many other areas.


Reading the Akashic Records is a practical tool to clear limiting beliefs as well as a profound experience, connecting you to your multi dimensional self, past lives, higher self, guides, masters and angels and utlimately expanding your consciousness and the consciousness of hummanity. 

In this course expect to learn how to use your Akashic Records for personal grwoth, practical guidance and spiritual expansion. As well as awakening your higher mind to consciously co create the life of your dreams.


 I am thrilled to invite you to join the Akashic Academy:



The Akashic Academy Course begins on April 12th, 2024, I'll teach you my step-by-step method for accessing your Akashic Records, aligning you with your higher self, clearing blocks so you can live in flow with your desires.

This 8 week experience is an immersive, interactive, power filled portal; sparking play and discovery, here you experience life differently, empowered, in joy and inspiration. Awakening the super power of your higher mind, co creating with perspective, becoming an instant attractor, rapidly manifesting and expanding.  Unblocking with ease what's holding you back, being a visionary, leader, action taker, abundance experiencer. Enjoy, live group unblockiyou'reessions in your souls records, plus Q&A's. Don't miss out on the secret ingredient to manifest your dreams and desires.

Join Here:


This course is for all levels, no experience required. So excited to meet you and start the fascinating practice of reading your Akashic Records!


VIDEO VERSION ON YOUTUBE!  I am so excited to be uploading video versions of my podcast recordings moving forward! Be sure to subscribe and turn on post notifications.


For those of you who would like an Akashic Record reading please get on my waitlist at:


Connect with Amber and follow her on instagram to stay up to date with all her offerings and insights:

Get your FREE access to your Akashic records with my new channeled prayer AKASHIC WISDOM PRAYER:


Thank you for joining, remember "Your Light is Fearless."


Please help me empower others to awaken their limitless potential by leaving me a rating and review and follow the show. Thank you so much!



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