What can job seekers, hiring managers, and companies do to mitigate bias in hiring? In this conversation with writer, speaker, consultant, and all around awesome guy David Dylan Thomas, we discuss the individual and collective actions we can take to alleviate the burden on candidates who just want to get a damn job.

Buckle your seatbelts for an adventurous exploration of cognitive biases in hiring, how to address common concerns like resume gaps and layoffs, the ugly origins of employer-employee power dynamics and exploitation, risk taking and self-censorship, the dangers of AI (because of course), and the role of *gasp* tech worker unions in creating a more equitable hiring processes. 

Plus a sneak peek into Dave's zombie-social commentary film project, White Meat!

Episode transcript


David Dylan Thomas

This episode is sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design. Learn more about their Executive Program in Design Leadership here.

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Got a hiring topic request? Reach out to Amy on LinkedIn and we can cover it in a future episode.

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