Deesha and Dawnie introduce an Ursa original production of “Snow Bath Season,” a short story written by Stacie Denetsosie, and performed by Nasheen Sleuth. This story is about Diana, a young Navajo woman whose late mother is communicating with her via an Amazon Alexa device. 

Denetsosie juxtaposes modern technology with Navajo tradition in compelling ways, while also writing into grief, love, and mother-daughter relationships through humor and bizarre circumstances. “Snow Bath Season” is from Denetsosie’s debut collection, The Missing Morningstar, published by Torrey House Press. Stay tuned after the story to hear from Stacie Denetsosie herself.

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Reading List: Authors, Stories, and Books Mentioned

The Missing Morningstar: And Other Stories (Stacie Shannon Denetsosie, Torrey House Press, 2023)

Crooked Hallelujah (Kelli Jo Ford)

“I Give You Back” (Joy Harjo)

Woman of Light (Kali Fajardo-Anstine)

Julia Alvarez

More from Deesha and Dawnie:

The Secret Lives of Church Ladies (Deesha Philyaw)

The Final Revival of Opal & Nev (Dawnie Walton)

Produced by Ursa Story Company 

Hosted by Deesha Philyaw & Dawnie Walton

“Snow Bath Season” written by Stacie Denetsosie 

Performed by Nasheen Sleuth

Interview by Marina Leigh 

Executive Producers: Dawnie Walton, Deesha Philyaw, and Mark Armstrong

Associate Producers: Marina Leigh & Ashawnta Jackson

Episode Editor: Kelly Araja

Special thanks to Cleyvis Natera

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