On episode 86, Micah and I discuss the interviews I conducted at Cranky Dorkfest 2024.

Sadly, on this show there was no listener mail nor a question from Listener Lu. However, Micah was able to interview his Physical Therapist about his trip to Europe on Jet Blue and Air France.

At Dorkfest I was able to interview: Melissa, Benny, Jvan, Matt, Ben and Heather, Ian and Mr. Cranky himself, Brett.

And I was also able to start the promotion of a spectacular trip I'll be leading to Africa in early October 2025. If you are interested in participating, please send me an email indicating your desire to participate. (In addition to all the special things I have planned, you will also be able to meet the singers of our opening and closing music.

The opening and closing music for The Journey Is The Reward podcast is provided by the Madalitso Youth Choir, recorded live in the lobby of The Royal Livingston Hotel in Zambia.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Brian T. Coleman. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Brian T. Coleman och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.