As life races by at the speed of a Blue Shell, it's important that we all take the time to enjoy some good old-fashioned vroomin' from time to time. Fortunately, in this week's episode of Nintendo Everything Refresh we finally get to take a deeper look at the next round of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC, which is bringing back some classic tracks that have at least one of us unreasonably excited. Nick and rising co-host Dawn will also discuss what the heck is going on with Pokemon Sleep, nerd out about the newest Sakurai deep-dive on Kid Icarus Uprising's development, and much more!

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Hosts:Nick Serpa: @ndserpa

Tom Chaplin @Thomchaplin

Dennis Gagliardotto: @LyonHart_

Nicolas Shaddy: @_Dayshade

Elias Nox Lutes: @FabledFirelight

Luiz Estrella: @Luizestrella_

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