With delays being so common in the modern gaming landscape, it's extremely rare to see the opposite - a game being released earlier than expected - occur. Against all odds, that's exactly what happened last week when Nintendo announced it will release Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on July 29, significantly sooner than its initial release window of September 2022. On top of that, not only was Splatoon 3 was announced to be releasing on September 9, but several news reports were released that granted a rare glimpse inside Nintendo of America's operations - and unfortunately, bringing to light some of the challenges that the company is facing regarding contractors and Joy-Con repairs. Join your hosts Nick, Nicholas, Dennis and Luiz as they discuss all this and more in this week's episode of Nintendo Everything Refresh!

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➡ Inquiries/Fan Mail: NERefreshPodcast@gmail.com

➡ Visit the site: https://nintendoeverything.com

Show Segments:

(00:00) | Intro 

(00:57) | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 

(09:52) | Splatoon 3 

(24:43) | NOA labor complaints

(36:17) | Joy-con drift overload

(45:51) | GBC/GBA on NSO rumors

(57:11) | What we are playing?


Nick Serpa: @ndserpa

Nicolas Shadday: @Dayshade1999

Dennis Gagliardotto: @LyonHart_

Luiz Estrella: @Luizestrella_

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