Full-time employees will spend an estimated 90,000 hours working, or around one-third of their adult life. It is no surprise, then, that workplace stress shapes our mental well-being, but just how much of a toll is it taking? 

The answer, it seems, is a lot. The latest Gallup polls show that nearly half of employees feel high levels of stress at work. In fact, workplace stress is at an all-time high. The personal cost of all this is huge, says Alyson Meister, but it's also just bad business. Meister warns that keeping employees on the edge of burnout stifles innovation and reduces efficiency. Creative thinking is impossible when you're just in survival mode. 

In her third appearance on ManagementCast, Meister discusses how to promote a culture of well-being and why companies need to promote change and engagement with staff to get the most out of their workforce.

********* Alyson Meister is IMD’s Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior. She helps organizations to develop inclusive and resilient leaders, teams, and workplaces. Her research specialties include topics surrounding identity and diversity as well as workplace stress, mental health, and well-being. She was named on the Thinkers50 Radar list in 2021 and subsequently nominated for a Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement Award. 

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