みなさんこんにちは、かなこです!今日のシャドーイングは「動詞(どうし)のShort form」です。

Hi everyone, it’s Kanako. Today’s shadowing is “Short form of verbs”. The short form is used in casual situations such as talking with friends or family members. Therefore, it’s better to avoid when speaking with people who met for the first time.

The short form of verbs of the present tense affirmative is the same as the dictionary form. For the U-Verb short form of the present tense negative, use “あ” vowel and add “ない”. For instance, “のむ” would be “のまない”. The exception is the verb ends with “う”. For this verb, use “わ” instead of “あ” and add “ない”, so “あう” would be “あわない”.

それでは はじめていきましょう! Let’s get started!


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Do you often watch a movie?  よく 映画 見る?

 - No, I don’t watch it so much. ううん、あんまり見ない。


Are you going to see your friend today?  今日 友達に 会う?

- No, I’m not going to see my friend. ううん、会わない。


Do you listen to Japanese music?  日本の音楽 聞く?

- Yes, I listen to it every day.   うん、毎日 聞く。

Do you read a book?  本 読む?

- Yes, I read a book sometimes.  うん、時々 読む。


Do you drink coffee every morning?  毎朝 コーヒー 飲む?

- Yes, I drink coffee every morning.  うん、毎朝 飲む。


Do you often drink alcohol?  お酒 よく 飲む?

- No, I don’t drink alcohol so much. ううん、あんまり 飲まない。


Do you eat fish?  魚 食べる?

- Yes, I sometimes eat fish.   うん、時々 食べる。


Where do you want to go?  どこ 行く?

- Anywhere is fine.   どこでもいいよ。


では もういちど、さいしょから ぜんぶ いってみましょう。Let's try shadowing the whole thing again, from the beginning.

おつかれさまでした。いかがでしたか? That's all for today's shadowing. I hope you enjoyed it.

また つぎの レッスンで あいましょう! See you in the next lesson!


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