
Hi everyone, it’s Kanako. Today’s shadowing is “Honorific verbs”.

“Honorific verbs” are used to describe the actions of people whom you respect such as the president of the company or doctors. Not all verbs have special verbs for honorific verbs, so we’re going to practice the most common special verbs such as to go, to eat, and to watch.

For instance, if a nurse is telling another doctor that “Doctor Sasaki is sleeping.”, it would be “佐々木先生はお休みになっています。”


Before we get started, I want to thank Mike for supporting my show. ありがとうございます!


それでは はじめていきましょう! Let’s get started!


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Where is Professor Kinoshita? 木下先生はどこにいらっしゃいますか。

The principal is not at school today. 校長先生は今日学校にいらっしゃいません。

Will the president come to the office tomorrow?


The president is watching the News. 社長はニュースをご覧になっています。

The president said he would have a meeting now.


 Doctor Suzuki cleans the room himself. 鈴木先生は自分で部屋の掃除をなさるそうです。

The president is having lunch. 社長は昼食を召し上がっています。

The teacher is having coffee. 先生はコーヒーを召し上がっています。

Teacher Yamada lent me a book. 山田先生が本を貸してくださいました。

Please don't worry about me. 私の事は心配なさらないでください。

The president is sleeping now. 社長は今お休みになっています。


では もういちど、さいしょから ぜんぶ いってみましょう。

Let's try shadowing the whole thing again from the beginning.


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