Jessica and her Maltese Therapy Dog Hera know the secrets to volunteering with small dogs, and they’re here to share.

In this 80th episode of Therapy Dog Talk, I chat with Jessica and her Maltese, Hera, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Jessica has been volunteering with therapy dogs for over 10 years, starting in 2012, and Hera is her second therapy dog. We discuss their experiences volunteering with PALS (Pet Access League Society), a local non-profit organization that enhances the lives of Calgarians through the human-animal bond.

In this episode, we discuss …

  • How therapy dogs help improve the experience of patients and medical staff.
  • What the benefits are of small dogs like Maltese in therapy work and how to train them.
  • Why it’s important to advocate for your dog, including planning breaks and retirement.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I do. Give it a watch or a listen and then let me know in the community which part you found the most helpful!

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