Growth marketers, listen up! This one’s for you. In this episode, Mark Huber, Head of Brand & Product Marketing at Metadata, shares some secrets behind the planning, promotion and post-event follow-up for the inaugural (and VERY successful) virtual B2B marketing summit he helped build: DEMAND 2021.

With over 4,000 registrations and an agenda packed with some incredible thought-leader speakers, Mark believes transparency and building personal connections were part of what made this event so popular.

Sneak peek:

"How would you text a friend? It's not going to be grammatically incorrect, and it's not going to be perfect. It's going to be short, punchy, and conversational, and it's how we all talk in the real world. The real world and the B2B marketing world should be the same thing." - Mark Huber

Key discussions covered in this episode include:

  • Insight into some of the key things Metadata focused on when planning and promoting the virtual event
  • Driving registrations down the marketing funnel and how to convert them into pipeline
  • Why focusing on longer-term strategic projects is best in B2B marketing
  • How to repurpose event content to maximize its exposure to a wider audience

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About Mark: Mark purchased Metadata in 2020 as a Director of Demand Generation at Fast Radius. The more he used it, the more he realized Metadata was building something special, and so he joined Metadata in August of 2020 as the second full-time marketer. Since then, he's been on the hook for making sure every B2B marketer held accountable to pipeline and revenue knows this category-defining tool exists.

About This Podcast: The Supercharge Marketing podcast is for B2B Marketers who believe in the power of brand and storytelling. Featuring no-B.S. conversations from marketing experts who dare to do things differently, this podcast will leave you feeling inspired and ready to amplify your marketing strategy to thrive and stand out in the rapidly evolving world of marketing.

About Lumen5: This podcast is brought to you by Lumen5, a video creator made by marketers, for marketers. Easily make videos for content marketing, thought leadership, and brand awareness in a snap. Used by thousands of businesses, supercharge your content strategy today. Try it for free or use code SUPERCHARGE10 for 10% off our annual plans forever!

To read the transcript for this episode, click here.

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