After three wonderful years of journeying together, Selah, as we know it, will be coming to an end at the close of this month. But this isn’t goodbye! For our dedicated viewers and listeners, we’ll continue bringing you monthly "So What?" episodes, exploring how we live out our faith as a community. But our Bible teaching and musical musings will carry on in a new and exciting form on our main channel and on other platforms – watch out for the announcements! You’ll find the link to the main page in the episode description below, so be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to stay updated when we start.
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Abide Worship
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Music: With All My Heart - The International Staff Songsters of The Salvation Army
Written: Babhbie Mason
Arranged: Bruce Greer
Intro Music: Just Breathe by Bethany Henderson
Digitally transmitted under licence: CCL 478026 and 21126816
0:00 - Intro
1:54 - Theme
2:15 - Introduction: The Scarlet Thread of Redemption in Scripture
3:57 - The Scarlet Thread of Salvation History
5:52 - The Scarlet Thread in Our Lives
11:20 - The Call to Join in God’s Redemption Story
11:48 - 1. An Invitation to Be Active Participants in God’s Plan
12:45 - 2. The Role of Soldiers in The Salvation Army
13:47 - 3. A Call for the Congregation
14:46 - Conclusion: The Scarlet Thread Continues Through Us
15:47 - With All My Heart