Avsnitt 082c - Hiding behind a thread - Immersed Selah: time to pause Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
Join the conversation: message us or comment via our Discord, Facebook page, instagram, youtube or email us at plexus@salvationarmy.org.uk https://discord.gg/VxbcUwu9MA facebook.com/selahtimetopause instagram.com/plexus.salvationarmy/ youtube.com/@selahtimetopause If you'd like to donate to our church, please follow the link to our Just Giving page https://justgiving.com/plexus-salvation-army Spotify Playlists: https://open.spotify.com/user/31dekmraznme5yl3hvaadt7nmbjy?si=9754d23b4a434d97 Abide Worship youtube.com/@salvationarmyplexus ---- Music: Intro Music: Just Breathe by Bethany Henderson Digitally transmitted under licence: CCL 478026 and 21126816 --- Timecodes 0:00 - Teaser 0:16 - Theme 0:39 - Intro 2:19 - Joshua 2:15-24 3:35 - HIDING BEHIND A THREAD 6:12 - IF IT SEEMS TOO EASY, SURELY WE’RE DOING IT WRONG 10:18 - SAVED BY THE SCARLET THREAD 14:44 - NOTHING BUT THY BLOOD… 17:50 - SONG - Nothing But Thy Blood Rss Apple Podcaster →