In this podcast episode, Joe, AKA Scarlet Sprites, discusses his passion for retro arcade gaming and his extensive collection of arcade machines. The conversation touches on the challenges of fitting multiple machines into limited living spaces, the evolution of the Neo-Geo gaming market, and the impact of the MiSTer FPGA platform on arcade collecting. Joe also shares his experiences in restoring arcade machines and the philosophical question of authenticity when rebuilding and preserving original components.

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(0:00:00) - Arcade Collecting and Retro Gaming

(0:08:27) - The Benefits of Arcade Games

(0:13:15) - DIY Home Renovations

(0:16:48) - The Existential Crisis of Arcade Collecting

(0:24:13) - Benefits of Mister System

(0:31:15) - Rebuilding a Beastorizer Cabinet

(0:38:59) - Rebuilding an Arcade Machine

(0:45:46) - What Makes Something Original?

(0:53:54) - Playing Arcade Games

(1:06:45) - Public Domain & Copyright

(1:15:00) - American Sports and Online Streaming


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We encourage your questions however please keep in mind that very technical CRT problems are really hard to diagnose online. If you are interested in Steve's professional CRT repair services please head over to his patreon page

Steve and Louis maintain a blog about their projects "The Cathode Ray Blog"

You can find the audio on the web or your favourite podcast app

For all your own CRT repair needs, check out Steve's channel

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