Avsnitt Kusatsu Onsen Town in Gunma Prefecture Day Trip Japan LWJ Season 4 Ep 6 Lost Without Japan Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
Kusatsu Onsen Town in Gunma Prefecture Day Trip Japan LWJ Season 4 Ep 6 Start Of Day Trip Time Stamp: 9:41 Lost Without Japan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lostwithoutjapan/ Please Consider Kindly Supporting Our Crowd Funded Show By Supporting Us Through Our Shows Patreon: https://patreon.com/lostwithoutjapanpodcast?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator Google Shared Maps For This Episode: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Q5pPqfK4NFttB8Dr8 Rome2Rio: Three Ways of Travel From Tokyo https://www.rome2rio.com/map/Tokyo/Kusatsu-Gunma-Japan Tokyu Bus: https://www.tokyubus.co.jp/ Kane Midori: https://www.kanemidori.co.jp/english/ Lucky Bagel: https://luckybagel.jimdofree.com/ Song of the Show: UVERworld performing Bitter Sweet from their -Studio Sessions- https://youtu.be/mtnptZu5cNc?si=se5Jj-4IYalnfyWp The link to Google Doc that includes Google Maps for all cities covered on Lost Without Japan, as well as the link to Amazon for travel purchase recommendations and other helpful information for your travel to Japan, can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WEVbRmvn8jzxOZPDaypl3UAjxbs1OOSWSftFW1BYXpI/edit?usp=sharing Rss Apple Podcaster →