"The Real Sofa King", serial entrepreneur Edgar Blazona has a no-BS take on building brands — it's all about HUSTLE, social engineering, and providing the BEST service possible.

After working at Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware, he saw customers waiting MONTHS for sofas. So he went away, harnessed his entrepreneurial mind, and solved this problem in 2015 when he launched BenchMade Modern — a way to create custom hand-crafted furniture in DAYS - not months. He also previously founded Modular Dwellings and TrueModern (and has attended Burning Man 23+ times).

In this jam-packed chat, the boys talk about how to sell sensory products online (without touch and feel), how to run such a cash-intensive business, and some of the biggest lessons from over 25 years in the industry. You won't want to miss this one.

Want to join the discussion? Message Evan or Edgar on LinkedIn.

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