Lenora Claire was a business owner and public figure in Los Angeles before her stalker incidents led her to becoming a private investigator and media consultant. Learn how survivors and perpetrators of stalking can be handled smarter, by a person who teaches better practices for true-crime coverage.
2:00 - reality shows and progressive parents
5:00 - crime show producers don’t know how to treat survivors
7:00 - Batman and Superman to the rescue!
10:00 - why blocking isn’t always best
14:00 - risk assessment
18:00 - “what did you do to upset them?”
23:00 - her current work
25:00 - Private investigator things
28:00 - women producers and empathy
31:00 - British production companies doing it better
34:00 - treated like dogshit by cops when reporting
38:00 - how to help people open up?
41:00 - disclosure tips
45:00 - being judged on appearance
51:00 - what to NOT do to survivors in interview
56:00 - what is the guiding purpose of the media?
58:00 - a sex tip? Maybe :)
Your guest can be found at lenoraclairellc.com
Your host is ElleStanger.com
See my $1 Behind-The-Scenes at Patreon.com/strangebedfellows
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