When you think of the best marketing campaigns of 2023, you might instinctively think about the Barbie movie campaign because, with a budget of $150 million, it was hard to miss. 

That campaign had us in such a chokehold that someone on the internet took a picture of a pink sunset, thanked Warner Bros. for it and it went viral because that would be so on brand for the time we were living in. The marketing message was so strong and all-consuming, that even Mother Nature couldn’t escape its reach. 

And just like Barbie, Taylor Swift kept all the Swifties on the edge of their seats when promoting her Eras Tour this year. In typical T Swift fashion, she dropped teasers on social media along with cryptic clues and Easter eggs her loyal fan base went to town analyzing and decoding. 

While these marketing campaigns were epic, to say the least, it can feel impossible to replicate as a small business owner.

So let’s break down a few key aspects of each campaign that you’re able to tap into in your own marketing efforts (millions of dollars not required).

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