In this episode, we examine COVID-19’s impact on cybersecurity, ransomware and the challenges companies face in the 21st century. Neustar’s John McArthur and Paige Enoch discuss data breaches, data exfiltration, cyber espionage and the solutions needed to protect your infrastructure.

And most importantly, what are the implications of paying a ransomware demand to gain access to your resources?


Growth of ransomware attacks during COVID-19 – John and Paige explore how attackers are getting bolder with the average ransom demands continuing to increase.

Hospitals as targets – John and Paige discuss why the hacker ceasefire with hospitals is over and why that should terrify us.

Election security – Although there was no evidence of interference in the 2020 election, there were foreign actors who were intent on disrupting the election.  What does that mean for election cybersecurity going forward?

Attacks on our infrastructure – John discusses the potential infrastructure attacks that keep Americans up at night.

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