“To give you an idea of scale, the entire set of all machines on the internet, someone came up with an ASCII art file that you could print out on 11 sheets of standard paper. And it was actually not a list. It was an actual map that showed every single machine that was on the internet and what their hostname was and what their IP address was. Because that was how many machines there were….”

-  Paul Ebersman

In episode 5, John dials in on the world of DNS to understand the important role it plays in modern enterprises and how the unprepared can be vulnerable to malicious DNS attacks. Special guest Paul Ebersman (Principal Software Engineer at Neustar) joins John in educating enterprises about the mission critical role DNS plays.

The History of DNS– Understanding the needs that led to the development of a domain naming system and its implications.

Malicious Attacks– Vulnerability from DNS attacks and how they can paralyze enterprises with an unhealthy infrastructure.

Security & Privacy– Discover the role informed security, public and private crypto keys play in putting privacy barriers in place to secure your organization.

Choosing a DNS Operator – A highlight of the best practices surrounding choosing a DNS operator to help maintain business accessibility and availability.

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