In this episode of the Way of Grace podcast, I'm joined by my dear sister Edi Houldieson, who is a confidante, aesthete and devourer of chocolate-covered Acai berries. She is (now) a woman in love with life (most days!) and has been blessed to share the last several years with women she emboldens to step into their creatrix identity. Together we dive into the realms of power, authority, co-creation, unwinding religion, the Holy Spirit and what God calls into as we walk with Him and so much more.

Inside this conversation Edi and I discuss🕊...

Edi’s upbringing in Christianity and religion

Relearning who God is

Releasing orphan consciousness & reclaiming beloved identity

Recognizing yourself as an heir o God and co-creator of God's Kingdom

Cocreation with vs. worshiping God

Walking in your God given power and authority

The art of bringing your desires to God

Empress identity

Trusting yourself and God

Understanding and embodying the Holy Spirit

Edi is a confidante, aesthete and devourer of chocolate-covered Acai berries. She is (now) a woman in love with life (most days!). Her journey from a draining, rigid, people-pleasing reality to a vibrant, grounded, abundant life has been a winding road that continues on into the horizon. She's been blessed to share the last several years of this journey with Scott, her husband, her two kiddos and the growing number of women she emboldens to step into their creatrix identity. 

Connect with Edi:

Edi's Instagram

Edi's Desires Meditation

Connect with Nina:

Nina's Instagram

Way of Grace Membership

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