In this episode, I'm joined by my dear sister Katharina Grace, who is a mentor devoted to guiding women into restoring and deepening their relationship to God as the foundation for Union. Her work is in service to the remembrance of our inherent worth through rooting into beloved identity as a cherished daughter of God, and in devotion to the heart of Christ. Katharina and I have been co-weaving together for awhile now, and we are both so thrilled to bring this episode to your heart.

Inside this conversation Katharina and I discuss...

Katharina’s journey of coming home to God, her faith and beloved daughter identity

Katharina’s experience within her business/service in relation to her journey with God & Christ

From sourcing worth in ‘doing, achieving, money, ego…’ TO → inherent worth, wholeness & identity as an infinitely loved daughter of God

What it means to come home to your Daughterhood

The process of Holy Maturation

Shadows of manifestation and God as a distorted ‘Sky Daddy’ / ‘genie in a bottle’

How to communicate and grow in relationship with God

How Katharina untangled her own past perceptions to now have a safe and stable relationship with God

The process of trusting deeply in God’s timeline for you

Holding expanded sensation

Maturation into Bride of God and the archetype of the Queen

Kingdom Led Business

The death and rebirth of Nina’s business into a ministry stewarding God’s love

From personal brand and selling a lifestyle, to → cocreation with God and community centered business

Receiving God’s redirection, even if it doesn’t make any sense

A cocreative business immersion invitation for you

Katharina Grace is a mentor devoted to guiding women into restoring and deepening their relationship to God as the foundation for Union. Her work is in service to the remembrance of our inherent worth through rooting into beloved identity as a cherished daughter of God, and in devotion to the heart of Christ. Foundational part of Katharina’s work is about cultivating safety in our own bodies, deepening our capacity to self-source and cultivating a healthy inner frame in order to meet the masculine from a place of self-responsibility, maturity and the deeper holding that only God’s love can provide: When we begin to move past the layers of superficial surrender and into submission to God’s will and the perfection of His timing, we begin to live and thrive from our true feminine design and the deeper fulfillment coming from resting in our receptive nature. 

Kingdom Business Immersion⁠ {Starts March 26th} – From coaching to ministry, with God at the center of your service. Early Bird $597 until 3/11

Connect with Nina & Katharina:

Katharina's Instagram

Nina's Instagram

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