One of the hardest things about sissy training or, really, any fetish/fantasy desire that isn't "normal" is staying with it. So many begin their training by buying panties, and toys, going to glory holes, and having a good ole time, but, suddenly, one glance in the mirror, and the self-deprecation comes out.

⦁ "What am I doing?"⦁ "I'm a man, at like one"⦁ "This is ridiculous, I look ridiculous, this is so fucking stupid"

The question never asked is, "Does this make me happy?"In this episode of The Sissy Whisperer, I'm going to talk about how to get past the inner, evil voice you have degrading your desires. How to accept the fact that just because not everyone does, doesn't mean you shouldn't.

Full Episode on Patreon -

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