That Healing Feeling

58. The Link Between Trauma And Chronic Illness: The Physiology Of Trauma, How Trauma Impacts The Nervous System, And How Trauma Links To Chronic Conditions


In today's episode, we are diving into the link between traumatic experiences and chronic illness. It is my hope that by drawing this link for you, it streamlines your healing process. Instead of seeing trauma as a separate entity to heal than chronic illness, you can take one approach to healing both. This creates so much more ease, grace, and understanding.

We will cover:

-What is Trauma

-What happens in the body when we experience trauma

-How and why we get triggered after trauma

-What happens in the body when we get triggered

-The role of the subconscious in relation to trauma

-How the nervous system ties in

-How these triggers lead to chronic illness

-How to heal it

Join me for this mini-training that will give you all the "aha moments" to finally

get HOW you got here in the first place.

And if you're ready to take the leap and release the trauma and HEAL chronic illness make sure to sign up for the LAST round of HTA (my famous transformational 2-month program) this year where I will help you do the work to heal for good! You can snag your seat here.

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