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Hulk Hogan may have retired from the business but he keeps a close eye on what's happening in WWE. In this conversation with Sportskeeda Wrestling Senior Editor Bill Apter, the WWE Hall of Famer lavishes praise on two WWE Superstars, brothers. He also speaks about the current situation in WWE without a McMahon in charge.

Check out Hulk Hogan's beach shop right here, say your prayers and eat your vitamins: Hulk Hogan's Wrestling Shop – Hogan's Beach Shop (


00:00 - Introduction

00:24 - A McMahon not being in charge of WWE

01:25 - Thoughts on Bron Breakker

04:04 - Thoughts on Cody Rhodes' championship win

05:11 - Hogan's Beach Shop

06:31 - Karaoke tournaments

#WWE #BronBreakker #CodyRhodes #HulkHogan

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