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Former WWE and 'Tonight Show' writer Jon Rineman just released his new hilarious book 'The Garden's Always Greener: Another NBA Timeline' with a story that flips everything you know about sports upside down. Get it now on Amazon or

Bray Wyatt and Jon Rineman worked on two occasions, both of which he treasures. He is apprehensive about how the Uncle Howdy storyline will play out in the days to follow. Also, he remembers playing Mercy The Buzzard during one of the Bray Wyatt vignettes. When Wyatt passed, Rineman found it very hard to cope.

Also, Jon is a huge fan of our Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns' wise man, Paul Heyman. Find out how Heyman helped Rineman during his time in WWE.

#WWE #BrayWyatt #WyattSicks #JonRineman

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