The entertainment world doesn't stop moving just because of political upheaval. It marches on! On this week's podcast, host Neal Pollack talks with contributor Stephen Macaulay about the ever-changing world of AI and how it's affecting Hollywood productions. Topics covered include The Brutalist AI language-enhancement "controversy" and a new ruling from the U.S. Copyright Office that will influence how Hollywood uses AI going forward. Nuance is good when it comes to issues like this, and few entertainment business reporters are more nuanced than Macaulay. A great conversation, well worth your ears.

Our other Stephen, one Stephen Garrett, went to the Sundance Film Festival this year, like he does every year. It's the second-to-last Sundance, and it was a cold Sundance to boot, so there's a kind of wistfulness to his report. Some of the Sundance content will be coming to TVs and movie theaters soon, and Stephen is on top of what you should see, or shouldn't see. But mostly, you should see everything. That's kind of the BFG mantra.

Enjoy the podcast!

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Book and Film Globe Podcast

BFG Podcast #185: Hollywood AI Controversies
