Galaxy Brains with Dave Schilling and Jonah Ray

Galaxy Brains with Dave Schilling and Jonah Ray


Journey into the unknown with Galaxy Brains — the most immersive, hilarious TV and movie podcast on this planet (or any other). Mystery Science Theater 3000's Jonah Ray and his pal, comedian and write...

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Journey into the unknown with Galaxy Brains — the most immersive, hilarious TV and movie podcast on this planet (or any other). Mystery Science Theater 3000's Jonah Ray and his pal, comedian and writer Dave Schilling, explore the outer reaches of the zeitgeist, analyzing the movies and TV shows that you can't stop obsessing over. Each week, we lab-test the hottest take possible — from Dom Toretto being an actual angel sent from Heaven, to the entirety of Seinfeld taking place inside Jerry's mind — and bring on comedians, experts, and filmmakers to confirm or deny our outrageous hypothesis. From Polygon and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

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