"Hot in Cleveland" is a TV Land original sitcom that aired from from 2010-2015. The show follows three fabulous but down-on-their-luck women from Los Angeles who decide to move to Cleveland, Ohio, after their plane makes an emergency landing. They decide to make a fresh start by renting a house that comes with a feisty caretaker, Elka (played by the legendary Betty White).
"Hot in Cleveland" was well-received by both critics and audiences and became TV Land's highest-rated telecast in the network's history. Despite its success, TV Land decided to end the show after six seasons due to the network's desire to refresh its lineup and focus on new programming. Will this show be a hot one with the S1E1 boys? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot epiosde and find out.
Starring: Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves, Wendie Malick, Betty White, John Schneider, Bil Dwyer, & Tim Bagley
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