Chris Carberry is the author of 2 books, one of which will be released as a film this summer. He has interviewed many astronauts and is a long time part of the space community. He is the director of Explore Mars, a tax exempt organization. In addition to discussing space policy and current issues, we also focus on the spices of life. What's the history of booze in space? Yes, alcohol has been imbibed in space. Private businesses and related industries are exploring research in space surrounding agricultural aspects to designer fermentations. But a nice drink is often accompanied by music. So, we discuss music in space. Not just space crafts, but on the Moon, on Mars, and the effects of atmospheres and gravity on instruments. We also get into food. Yes, lab made, This is truly a stellar discussion including could David Bowie have sued for Copyright Infringement if said Infringement took place beyond Earth's atmosphere.

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