From the lecture hall to Shudder, we have an true master of horror. And I finally get to talk about the movie, "Men". Mo Moshaty is a genre screenwriter, author, and lecturer. With aconcentration on psychological and possession horror in her writing, Mo’sbackground as a Trauma Specialist and Behavioral Therapist provides asturdy foundation. She is the creator of the course, “Writing TraumaRespectfully for Screen '' and was a Guest Lecturer for Prairie View A&MUniversity's Film and TV Program and with Horror BAFSS in Sheffield, UKfor No Return: A Yellowjackets Symposium.Mo is a journalist, and co-founder with Nyx Horror Collective and co-producer of the 13 Minutes of Horror Film Festival featured on The Shudder Channel. Nyx HorrorCollective was founded by a group of diverse woman-identifying horror creators to develop,celebrate, and elevate original, women-led horror content.As a core member of Nyx, she has recently partnered with Stowe Story Labs to provide a fellowshipfor women writers over 40 working in the genre. Mo also served as Associate Producer on ScottishIndie SciFi Horror web series, “Cops and Monsters”, and was ecstatic to shine more of a light onindie horror. Mo's most recent literary work can be found in "A Quaint and Curious Volume of GothicTales", published by Brigid's Gate Press and "206 Word Stories" by Bag O' Bones Press.Twitter: @MoMoshatyWebsite:

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