Every mom is wishing, hoping, and praying that birth is fast and simple. But that is not always the case. Here are three things you can do, starting in early labor through, ‘oh crap, my labor is long’ to help you get through a labor longer than 24 hours.

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In this episode I discuss:

-The lengths of my three labors, and the mistake I made twice that made my labors longer.

-Ways to physically prep for a faster and easier labor.

-How birth is 90% mental, and one trick to easily make your labor shorter.

-Birth being like marathon and the body needing to be supported to go the long haul.

-When the epidural is the next right step and how to avoid it as long as possible with the right toolkit.

More episodes you’ll love:

98 | Conquer your fear of birth

71: Hypnobirthing didn't work for me

48: My first birth and what I know now

Next Steps..

Order your Frownies and use code LIZZIE for 10% off

Have questions?

Birth Options Workshop: Get clarity on your next step, whether that is choosing a provider, deciding on a birth place or where to start with birth education. RSVP now.

Ready to start your birth prep?

Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE 

Want to work with me?

Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club

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