What's What

Ep 16: Taoism, Transgenderism, and Political Systems (Part 3 of the Eastern Philosophy Mini-Series)


Taoism (or Daoism) emerged in China around 500 BCE when the philosopher Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching. The word Tao has many translations but one of the most common is "the flow of nature" or according to Alan Watts "the course of things". At the heart of Taoist philosophy is the belief that the best way to maintain order is to not try to maintain order. By relinquishing our desire for control, we create space for spontaneity and adaptability. Just as a river flows effortlessly, finding its own path around obstacles, Taoism invites us to navigate life's challenges with grace and flexibility. Rather than resisting the natural flow, we learn to flow with it.

In part three of our mini-series on Eastern philosophy, Rushi and Chris discuss the Tao and how it relates to political and economic systems like communism and free market capitalism. The second half of the show gets deep into Taoism and transgenderism, and what the "flow of nature" truly means when it comes to the free will of human beings. Is it possible for humans to have "unnatural" thoughts and do "unnatural" things, or is everything we do natural because we are part of the natural world? Tune in to find out.

"The great Tao flows everywhere, both to the left and to the right.It loves and nourishes all things but does not lord it over them.And when good things are accomplished it lays no claim to them."

- Lao Tzu from the Tao Te Ching

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