To the great surprise of many, our bodies are how our minds most often and most powerfully let us in on reality. As we like to say in the business, first we sense, and only then do we make sense of what we sense. But what if our “sensing” mechanism—the body—has been the very thing that has encountered so much physical, sexual or emotional bludgeoning? Those who have experienced trauma often perceive that their bodies have been violated, and in some twisted way have also betrayed them. And then go on to keep up the bad work of continual betrayal. In this way, trauma becomes something that our bodies themselves remember in ways that we are often unaware of. What are we to do? Join Pepper and Curt as we pull back the curtain on how the body can be wounded—but also how we can begin to take the first steps toward inviting that same body can be the very source of our healing, long before we are able to imagine in in our thinking minds.

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