On this week's episode of 'The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart': President Biden returns to the U.S. tonight after paying homage to fallen World War One heroes at a cemetery in France which Donald Trump reportedly once said was filled with "losers" and "suckers." Rep. Gerry Connolly of the House foreign affairs committee and historian Barbara F. Walter join me to discuss this study in contrast and the implications for global stability. Inside the Biden Campaign: With his re-election effort in full swing and the first presidential debate a few weeks away, Adrienne Elrod, campaign senior adviser and senior spokesperson, is here to talk about the Biden-Harris game plan ahead. Plus, fighting hate. How drag performers are helping to lead the charge against attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. Blaq Dinamyte, from Washington D.C., joins me to explain. All that and more on “The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart.”

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