Alright Peeps, on this 147th episode of the Kung Fu Genius Podcast, the KFG (aka Alex Richter) will be recapping Day Two of his recent Hong Kong trip with Mikey.  Lots of gems, lots of Arthur Tang's horse stance, lots of "This isn't a regular Cheung Saam, this is a Manchu Cheung Saam!".  Let's get to it!

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This episode was brought to you by:Scott AimsworthJihad BattleMike BestJack ChiuBenjamin DysonBarry HawbakerTopher MowryFrancisco OrtizMark PernaBill SengGarret Tanselv0odoo

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Crew - Producer: Mikey DeaneCo-Host: Dre IsonEditor: Andrew Lin“Unstoppable Announcer”: Hector MartinezArchival Opening Footage: Dez RyanSong “Kung Fu Genius”: Kess the MC

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Alexander Richter. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Alexander Richter och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.