Uri Noy Meir is in conversation with Combatants for Peace Co-Founder Sulaiman Khatib and School of Ancestral Medicine founder Dr. Daniel Foor about the current situation and the potential future for the Middle East and beyond.

Speakers Bios

Sulaiman Khatib is co-director and co-founder of Combatants for Peace, a bi-national, grassroots nonviolence movement in Israel and Palestine. Combatants for Peace is dedicated to three main pillars: nonviolent direct action, a joint partnership between Israelis and Palestinians, and ending the Israeli military occupation. Khatib was nominated, along with Israeli co-founder of Combatants for Peace, Chen Alon, for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 and 2018. He has been compared in the press to a modern-day Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., or Nelson Mandela. He cites these three nonviolent leaders as his inspiration and the key to transforming from violence to nonviolence. His latest book is "In This Place Together: A Palestinian's Journey to Collective Liberation": https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54815902-in-this-place-together.

Dr. Daniel Foor is a doctor of psychology, an experienced ritualist, and the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. He is a practicing Muslim and initiates in the Òrìṣà tradition of Yoruba-speaking West Africa who has also learned from Mahayana Buddhism and the older ways of his English and German ancestors. Daniel was a U.S. Fulbright scholar in Cairo, Egypt, as a student of the Arabic language, and he is passionate about generational healing and training leaders and change-makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and applied ritual arts. He's the founder and director at Ancestral Medicine and lives with his wife and daughters near his adoptive home in Granada, Spain, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. For more, see: ancestralmedicine.org

Institute's,areUri Noy Meir was born in a small village near the Sea of Galilee and is now based and lives in central Italy. He is well versed and experienced in facilitating and activating the untapped collective intelligence and dormant creativity in communities, organizations, and multi-stakeholder eco-systems. Uri has trained with the world's leading experts in Theatre of the Oppressed, Dragon Dreaming, and Social Presencing Theatre. He uses them as trans-formative ingredients to empower communities and individuals in diverse settings and contexts. He believes the powers of the arts Bachelor of Artsare growing and making visible our interconnectedness and supporting the well-being of people, organizations, and the world. Trained and mentored by Hector Aristizabal (ImaginAction.org) he dedicates his energy to bringing the transformative power of the arts to turn "wounds" into "blessings" and illuminate the "what is" and "what if" in communities, organizations, and whole systems. Uri trained with the founder of Dragon Dreaming (dragondreaming.org), a holistic method for implementing creative, collaborative, sustainable projects, John Croft, and he is accompanying inspirational projects, social innovators, and community leaders worldwide in applying it. As an Advanced Practitioner of Social Presencing Theatre, he participated in the inaugural Presencing Institute’s Social Field Research Summer School, and he is part of a global network of researchers sensing and iterating new pathways for awareness-based system change. Uri has a graduate degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Theatre and Latin American studies. contact Uri via https://linktr.ee/urinoymeir

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