Eirik Kristoffersen is a great leader, role model, and somebody I get to look up to. Learning from his knowledge and experience in this podcast episode was a great honor and privilege, and I hope you find it as valuable and inspiring as I did.

In this episode we go deeper on what shaped General Kristoffersen into becoming the man he is today, his background from the Norwegian Special Forces - FSK, his philosophy on leadership and culture as Chief of Defence of Norway, as well as his latest book - “JegerĂ„nden”.

Follow Eirik on Linkedin and get his latest book here 

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild pÄ den hÀr sidan tillhör Karl HÄkon RÞdland. InnehÄllet i podden Àr skapat av Karl HÄkon RÞdland och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.