Have you heard the real story behind Reebok?

In this episode I have the pleasure of chatting with The Founder of Reebok himself, Joe Foster - where we go way back to the origins of how everything started.

Joe started Reebok back in 1958 with his brother Jeff - and is now arguably one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

Joe has recently released his book, Shoemaker, his own spin on Nike founder Phil Knight’s book Shoedog - which takes you on a thrilling journey of how Joe grew Reebok from a small factory to one of the world’s most famous sports brands it is today. Joe is 86 years old now and has built up some profound knowledge over the years that you definitely don’t want to miss out on.

In this episode, you will learn:

How it all started

What it took to build Reebok

Why Joe had to stand up to his father

How taking risks was crucial to Reebok's success

Joe’s message to younger generations

Why mindset and consistency is everything

And so much more...

I hope you enjoy learning from Joe and his gripping storytelling as much as I did!

P.S! Don’t miss out on the end.

Read Shoemaker: https://www.amazon.com/Shoemaker-Reebok-Untold-Lancashire-Changed/dp/1471194019

Visit Reebok.com

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