Ghost Brides & Bridezillas from beyond the grave! Laudanum & Lace uncovers ghostly women in white, wedding day tragedies, unrequited love, ghost marriages, strange burials, supernatural wedding crashers and haunted wedding dresses. You will meet an assortment of Miss Havisham-like characters including the real life Miss Havisham from Australia who inspired her as we explore the image of the doomed bride that has become popular in literature, art, poetry and film. Til Death do us part will take on new meaning and make us question does death truly part us?

Please note that we may discuss deceased people & historical accounts of suicide, murder & sexual assault. So if this episode raises any issues for you please call Lifeline - 131114 or visit the Beyond Blue website in Australia. Alternatively internet search your local crisis hotline in your country. 

We discuss snippets of history within this podcast and would additionally like to acknowledge indigenous & first nations people and their history including the traditional custodians of the land wherever the events that we discuss take place. We pay our respects to the people and their elders both past & present.

This Episode was written & produced by Suzanne Boleyn & Karina Eames.

Editing, music & sound design by Adrian Henderson.

This podcast is copyright Laudanum & Lace 2021. No part may be used or reproduced without written permission.

Samples and quotes within this episode are used with regard to fair use and fair dealing for the purposes of journalism & criticism.

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