Are you very sensitive to even constructive criticism?

Do you agonize over even the smallest mistakes or flaws in your work?

Do you downplay your own expertise, even in areas where you are genuinely more skilled than others?

The game “Among Us” is all about finding the imposter and throwing it out of the spaceship. When you play as imposter, your job is to sabotage the ship and kill the crew mates. Playing as either role is pretty fun, but it is always a little bit more exciting when you get to play as the imposter.

While being an imposter in a video game is good fun, in real life many people feel like an imposter at their job. They fear that others will find out about them, that they are incompetent, that they achieved their success through sheer luck and that voice in their head saying that one day everyone will find out they are useless.

As consultant being hired for our expertise, we also sometimes experience imposter syndrome. Can we help this client? What our my help isn’t good enough?

Today, we are roasting marshmallows around the campfire, sharing stories of imposter syndrome and how we cope with it.

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